简介:Saturday Night Live premiered its fortieth season during the 2014–15 television season on NBC. The season premiered on September 27, 2014, with host Chris Pratt and musical guest Ariana Grande, and former cast member Darrell Hammond as the show's new announcer, replacing Don Pardo, who had died in August. The premiere included an interstitial photograph of Pardo. Pardo had been the announcer for SNL since it premiered in 1975, with the exception of season seven and season 21, episode 14, where Hammond took his place. This season also saw the death of former cast member Jan Hooks, who died from cancer two weeks into the season.
Saturday Night Live premiered its fortieth season during the 2014–15 television season on NBC. The season premiered on September 27, 2014, with host Chris Pratt and musical guest Ariana Grande, and former cast member Darrell Hammond as the show's new announcer, replacing Don Pardo, who had died in August. The premiere included an interstitial photograph of Pardo. Pardo had been the announcer for SNL since it premiered in 1975, with the exception of season seven and season 21, episode 14, where Hammond took his place. This season also saw the death of former cast member Jan Hooks, who died from cancer two weeks into the season.展开
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